Friday, April 11, 2008

Cell phones-New media

The cell phone has gone from being a rare and expensive device to a very popular device among people of all generations and all over the world. The amount of cell phones out number the amount of landlines that people have in their houses today and so do they also out number the amount of personal computers in households.Cellphones also have a large variety of services that may not have been available less than 20 years ago.These services include the internet, mp3 players where you can listen to music from your phone, blue tooth where you can exchange pictures etc from your phone for free, and video recording. Smsing (Short message service) is the main role of the cell phone and it has become a very integral part for a lot of people's every day lives. It is very cheap to send a message, at a cost of 34 cents.The fact that we have a camera on our phones and can take pictures with our cell phones is a huge advantage and many see the cell phone as as a digital device that connects the traditional world. People do not go out and purchase cameras anymore as much as they used to as their phones have these features built in already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree the cellphone has become a multi-purpose tool. that is why people are so attached to tehir cellphones. their entire l;ives are in that device, picture, appointments, important dates, codes, reminders, contact numbers, music and inportant data to name but a few. btu personally i think that it si dangerous for people to be so attched to their phones beasuse it is just a machine and machines have a tendancy to disaapoint.